Cash Advance

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If you find yourself running low on cash, and your pay seems too far away, a personal cash advance up to $5,000 paid overnight may be an option to relieve some of that stress.

We have already helped hundreds of hard-working Kiwis, and here are just some of the reasons why they have used our service:

– Urgent unexpected expenses, such as home maintenance
– A higher than usual utility bill
– Car Purchase
– Home Renovations
– Unexpected medical bills

So if you have found yourself having difficulties getting through to next payday, a cash advance from Cashburst may be a convenient solution for your financial needs. If you are a Kiwi in need of some extra cash, solve the issue by getting a quick cash advance and pay it back according to the repayment schedule that you have chosen.


Why choose Cashburst for your cash advance needs?

You may find yourself with a variety of options when it comes to loan services, however, Cashburst has the following features that will ensure a hassle-free and fast process that may get you the cash you need, today:

Fantastic customer service: Don’t be hesitant to call or email us with any questions or concerns you may have because we are happy to help! You can either email us at or call us on 0800 227 484. Our hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

No security: Your assets, such as your house or car, will not be linked to your Cashburst loan.

Past bad credit may be OK: We may still be able to help even if you have had bad credit in the past but we do reserve the right to do credit checks and you must pass our responsible lending criteria.

Transparent contract: Every fee or charge will be clearly outlined in the Loan Contract with no surprises after you sign it.